12 Abandoned Ghost Towns in Colorado and How to Get There

Our wild west state has seen its share of boom towns and financial busts, and reportedly has as many as 1,500 ghost towns around the state.

While most former mining towns around Denver went on to be major cities, some Colorado ghost towns still can be found outside the metro area.

Located in Roosevelt National Forest, a popular camping destination, Teller City makes a fun and spooky stop for a daytrip or mid-day activity.

1. Teller City

From downtown Gould, take County Road 21 for Roosevelt National Forest access, and follow signs for Teller City.

How to get to Teller City

Originally founded as a railroad and lumber camp, Arrow was a thriving town of thousands of residents until it burned to the ground in 1920.

2. Arrow

Head north on Forest Road 80, also called Corona Pass Road, and continue going right to stay on USFS 80 til you arrive in the town.

How to get to Arrow

One of the most unique ghost towns in Colorado is Dearfield. This mining town was founded as an all-black settlement by Boulder entrepreneur Oliver T. Jackson in 1910.

3. Dearfield

From Greeley, head south on Highway 85 to Garden City. Then head east on Highway 34 for 24 miles to get to Dearfield.

How to get to Dearfield

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